Monday, 1 April 2013

It's been so long, again.

It's been so long...again! My plans to be writing were waylaid by 101 other things, NOW I am truly blogging again (especially since I found out I can do it on the go, on my phone!)

Here's what I plan to talk about this week:

'Record Review' - A regular feature, this will take a critical look at the musical works of my favourite artists. I have my first one just about ready, in my head. I just need one more listen...

'Retro Review' - Not so much a review, but a piece on a game or gaming system I like(d). 

Plus, lots of rambling about where I live, used to live and my ever growing list of life's frustrations...

For now, from a personal view, at least artistically, I seem to have been heading in a new direction just lately. Partly due to circumstance - my kitchen is really not the most suitable art studio - rather than going through the absolute inconvenience of setting up and packing away whenever I want to do some painting, just recently I have returned to an old love, graphite. There's something very rewarding yet simple about working with a pencil. And it's been quite liberating, no pressure, no expectation, no worrying about using too much of this or that because it costs a fortune to, it's been very liberating. Just me, some pencils and a cartridge pad. It works well for all of us at Tearle Towers. And of course, the output is higher. Three drawings in four days work? Nice. And I didn't skimp with the smudgy stumps either. So, for now I'm strictly pencil. And doing lots of different subjects that I probably wouldn't touch in colour. Here's the latest:

I really did enjoy every minute of this, even the agony of creating that black background. There'll be more of this sort of thing I can tell you.

What do you mean, is it Beyonce?

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