I'm not taking any new commissions for paintings as from now. I will honour all my outstanding works and get them done for everyone, but I am not working to order anymore. I want to enjoy painting again, choosing what I want to do and I am sick to death of people messing me about, stalling, indecisive, and unreasonable expectations.
It was always in my own spare time, and I gave up a lot of that s
pare time this year because people always want things yesterday.
I don't have that time anymore. Any time I use for painting now will be for myself. My paintings will always be for sale, but I'll be picking what the subject will be in future. As from next year, I'll be working my way, and when I choose. It was never about money, because that's not what motivated me. It was about trying to please people, and I can't commit myself enough to doing that any longer. This is not me getting on my high horse, or rating myself highly, as I am fully aware of my skill level, it's just that it's so hard for me to do when it's not something that's full time.
I want to be able to concentrate on the scores of projects that I have put to one side, and so I've chose to abandon the one off commissions to allow me that little bit of time back so I can work on the new stuff. The last few weeks have convinced me it's time to start working for myself, and working to my strengths.
There's only a handful of clients I've had in the past that I'd be happy to work with again, and I'm sure you all know who you are. In fact, what has made me come to this decision has nothing to do with those friends of mine here that I have been dealing with for years. I thank all of you for your support and your past custom, and I know that some of you will be interested in what's coming in the near future.
I'm entering a new phase, direct sales, exhibitions and proper marketing. I really hope that I'll still have your continued and wonderful support. Trust me, it's for the best :-)
I don't have that time anymore. Any time I use for painting now will be for myself. My paintings will always be for sale, but I'll be picking what the subject will be in future. As from next year, I'll be working my way, and when I choose. It was never about money, because that's not what motivated me. It was about trying to please people, and I can't commit myself enough to doing that any longer. This is not me getting on my high horse, or rating myself highly, as I am fully aware of my skill level, it's just that it's so hard for me to do when it's not something that's full time.
I want to be able to concentrate on the scores of projects that I have put to one side, and so I've chose to abandon the one off commissions to allow me that little bit of time back so I can work on the new stuff. The last few weeks have convinced me it's time to start working for myself, and working to my strengths.
There's only a handful of clients I've had in the past that I'd be happy to work with again, and I'm sure you all know who you are. In fact, what has made me come to this decision has nothing to do with those friends of mine here that I have been dealing with for years. I thank all of you for your support and your past custom, and I know that some of you will be interested in what's coming in the near future.
I'm entering a new phase, direct sales, exhibitions and proper marketing. I really hope that I'll still have your continued and wonderful support. Trust me, it's for the best :-)
Now, this isn't meant to sound pretentious or anything like that, I'd just had a lot of messing about with my time and some of the expectations were nigh on an insult.
As I have mentioned before, time really is a valuable commodity to me, and time is something that I have to really plan out. Doing 8 or 9 hour shifts of a weekend to get someone's painting of a dog done in time was never going to be fun. Choosing my own subjects means I can use my time better, I have no deadlines, no-one to please and nothing to stop me painting Joe Montana for the fiftieth time.
It's more exciting for me. As it's never been about money, I've lost nothing. If I sell a couple of paintings along the way, great. If not, I'll finally be able to build up that portfolio. I might have an exhibition. I might produce a run of prints. I've never been able to do that because my production has always been dictated by the commissions I've undertook. I've always had to rush. I don't want to rush anymore. I don't want to shortchange anyone anymore. I want to paint or draw different things that I never had time for. I've got a lot more painting in me yet, and I want the next chapter to be the best.
I think this might be the best decision I've made regarding my art in a long time. In fact, I know it is.